Kingdom hearts characters are bland
Kingdom hearts characters are bland

  1. #Kingdom hearts characters are bland how to#
  2. #Kingdom hearts characters are bland movie#

As we know, most of the actual Kingdom Hearts story was shoehorned in at the very end. Obviously, I did get sidetracked from my main point here. What did we learn today? Kingdom Hearts 3 loved portraying any character who is not named Sora as helpless! Then, in the third battle, Aqua lost and was saved by Ventus. The second battle as Riku, he lost and Sora ended up swooping in and taking over for the rest of the battle. Actually, if you were to sit back and think about it – the first battle as Riku served as more of a tutorial. Although we were given the chance to play three battles from someone else’s viewpoint (Riku and Aqua), these opportunities were incredibly short and anti-climactic.

kingdom hearts characters are bland

#Kingdom hearts characters are bland how to#

Kingdom Hearts as a series clearly knows how to handle having multiple main characters – Birth by Sleep, Dream Drop Distance, and even Kingdom Hearts 2. Sora’s status as the perpetual protagonist of Kingdom Hearts 3 was the root of many of the glaring narrative issues. Yet, who was the one who took care of all of these antagonists? Sora. Finally, the Wayfinder Trio was torn apart by Master Xehanort. The Sea Salt Trio was wronged by Xemnas, Xehanort’s Nobody. The Destiny Trio was wronged by Ansem, Seeker of Darkness. The way this plot point was handled is only the first of many questionable narrative choices. Since you, the reader, have presumably played Kingdom Hearts 3, you must know that I was wrong. This led me to believe that he acknowledged the need for closure that each group of main characters had with the Xehanort who wronged them. The Opening clearly demonstrated Nomura was aware of each trio being wronged by a specific version of Xehanort.

#Kingdom hearts characters are bland movie#

Still, the Opening Movie trailer was enough to mildly ease my nervousness. The Final Battle trailer hinted at the fact that Sora would be the one to ultimately beat Master Xehanort without anybody else’s help. I’ll be honest, I did expect to be mildly disappointed by the game. The thing is, when we were caught up in the hype and everything shown in trailers looked exciting – of course it was hard to imagine that Kingdom Hearts 3 would betray all expectations and crash and burn in a horrible manner. If someone had told me that I would walk away from Kingdom Hearts 3 feeling utterly disrespected by its conclusion, I wouldn’t have believed them.

kingdom hearts characters are bland

Reading it is not advised unless you’ve beaten the game. Well, whatever it is, have fun reading, or not~ Disclaimer: This article will discuss content from Kingdom Hearts 3. Sometimes we want to s*** on stuff, some times we want to be laid-back too. EspressOH! is nothing but OH!Pressors casually writing about random stuff.

Kingdom hearts characters are bland